It’s Saturday morning, and after months of preparations, the Francis Frenzy, the holy hullabaloo, begins. The Benjamin Franklin Parkway starts filling with people speaking Spanish, French, German, even Italian; the varieties of language echoed throughout the crowd of over one million people.
Strangers prayed the rosary together. People sparked conversations with one and another. Pilgrims wore their self-made Pope hats and garb, and friends and families began chanting, “Papa Francisco!”, marching up and down the streets, excited for Pope Francis’ arrival in Philadelphia.
This day marked the first time Pope Francis had ever visited the United States, and after a joy-filled weekend, many are now looking forward to a state of normalcy returning to Philadelphia.
But, what a weekend it was! Crazy? Yes. Busy? Totally. Tough to get around? Sadly true. However, there was so much more to this weekend that lifted people up and inspired them.
Crowds went screaming as they watched Pope Francis step off his plane at the Philadelphia Airport. Millions cheered as he made his way to celebrate mass at the Basilica.
It was almost indescribable as millions united over one thing and treated each other as though they were brothers and sisters. Numerous street vendors filled the arena selling food, pope dolls, and even Catholic dubstep.
In addition to mass, the exciting day included a speech at Independence Hall by Pope Francis, where he addressed the topic of immigration. “You bring many gifts to this nation,” he stated. “Do not be ashamed of your traditions.” Hundreds of thousands clapped as he said this, showing that Pope Francis is different from his predecessors. He truly is a pope of the people.
While this was a major highlight of the day, the most exciting part was his papal parade down the Parkway. People were standing and waiting in the chilly wind, but their spirit never wavered. When Francis finally came down the Parkway, everyone screamed, sang, and even tipped their glasses to the Pope.
Sunday was the biggest day yet! As attendees waited in the security line, people were playing mini drums and guitars, singing, dancing, and passing the time in the best way they knew! It kept the energy up and the spirits
As Pope Francis made a second his papal parade, he kissed babies along the way. As the Pope drew near, everyone in the crowd would unite, crying, “Baby! Make way, they have a baby!” and let the parents to the front of the crowd. This just goes to show how everyone in attendance was there to spread and share the love.
The general consensus surrounding the Popepocalypse? Philadelphia played a major part in a crazy but historic weekend, and it was pretty cool to be there for it all. One thing is for sure, many have felt the effect of the crowds that left their mark on Philadelphia. You might think that a million people invading a city would result in a mass of visitors angry, tired, and irritable from all the traveling and long hours standing – but this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Sister Theresa Ann, who came all the way from Chicago, said, “Philadelphia has been amazing. The people have been so welcoming. It is a phenomenal experience.”
Adding to the experience were the Philadelphia Police and all of the service men and women who came to keep our city safe. They each deserve a BIG thank you, as they were helpful, answered people’s questions, and made sure everything ran smoothly. The security lines were long at points, but our city was kept safe and happy throughout this special weekend!
What did you think of the Papal visit? Have a fun or inspiring story to share? Tell us in the comments!