A Different Type of Therapy: Salt Water Float Therapy

During winter, many people are experiencing mental difficulties this time of year. Stress, anxiety, and depression are some popular examples of what the colder, darker months can bring. While exercising, taking a break, and talking to someone are known to help reduce symptoms, a new form of relief is available in the Philadelphia area. Float Therapy at LMA Mineral Float is a meditative-like experience with both mental and physical benefits in just 60 minutes.  

With two floatation tanks to choose from, The Float Pod and The Oasis Tank, each tank is filled with 1,000 pounds of medical grade epsom salt dissolved in 200 gallons of warm water. This ratio allows your body to natural float, secreting endorphins to give you that “feel good” feeling. It allows electrical and chemical signals in the brain to calm down. Plus, the epsom salt treats different ailments penetrating the lower layer of skin, leaving it silky smooth and hydrating.


Mental benefits:


  • Lessens stress 
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Heightens creativity
  • Enhances memory
  • Reduces depression and anxiety symptoms


Physical benefits:


  • Relieves pain and inflammation 
  • Optimizes athletic recovery and performance 
  • Lowers blood pressure 
  • Increases circulation
  • Relaxes muscles


Both services offer the same health benefits and ambiance, yet they vary in physical design. During every session, you are in full control of the tank’s lights and audio. Plus, it’s made for everybody, even those with no previous water sport experience. Impossible to drown, the water is so buoyant you can confidently lay back and relax with zero muscular effort. Best of all, the calming effects of floating last for days. 


Here’s the best way to prepare: 



Gain optimal health and physical wellness this holiday season and year-round at LMA Mineral Float in Southampton, PA. Learn more by visiting their Facebook or emailing info@lmamineralfloat.com to book your first appointment for an enviable post-float glow. 


Have you ever experienced salt water float therapy? If so, share your experience in the comments section! 



1 thought on “A Different Type of Therapy: Salt Water Float Therapy”

  1. We float all the time at Relax Float Spa in Doylestown. They’ve created a space that deserves their own category. They took floating to another level with this custom built float pools, infrared saunas in the private float suites. I mean you could technically just float anywhere with this type of setup, but why wouldn’t you want to completely let go and relax?

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