First Friday Interview: Jamie Colleen Miller

Happy July! This month we’re featuring Jamie Colleen Miller for our #FirstFriday blog series! Jamie is a professional speaker, former MMA Fighter, self-defense instructor/educator, and a Women Against Abuse board member. Jamie was also recently named a top ten finalist for Be Well Philly’s Health Hero Challenge. Wow, what an inspiration! We are so excited to have Jamie discuss her inspiration and experiences throughout her career path.

PPRG: How have your past experiences impacted your current career path?

JAMIE: My past experiences have profoundly shaped my current career path. As a survivor of domestic violence and homelessness and a retired MMA fighter, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of self-defense and martial arts. Rediscovering my passion for MMA during my recovery not only helped me heal physically and mentally but also taught me invaluable lessons in discipline, accountability, and self-respect. 

Now that I’m retired from fighting, my past experiences fueled my commitment to empowering others, leading me to focus on teaching self-defense to women and youth in Philadelphia. Through my specialized programs, I aim to build confidence, enhance awareness, and instill a sense of empowerment in my students. My journey underscores the resilience and potential within us all, inspiring me to support crime victims and survivors, instigate public safety initiatives, advocate for legislative changes, and educate communities nationwide.

PPRG: Can you tell us about your journey from being an MMA fighter to becoming a professional speaker and domestic violence advocate?

JAMIE: I discovered martial arts at age 19 and competed in boxing and kickboxing before transitioning to MMA. Early in my career, I met my ex, who became extremely violent, leading me down a dark and dangerous path of abuse for six and a half years. As the situation escalated, I knew I had to make a decision: leave or stay and suffer an inevitable fate. I ultimately fled when he was out of town, resulting in my daughter and me becoming homeless. We eventually found refuge at a domestic violence emergency shelter operated by Women Against Abuse. From there, I was able to rebuild my life in an incredible way, including reigniting my passion for fighting.

One year after leaving the safe haven, I won a championship title and went on to fight in the UFC Contender Series twice, participating in the first-ever women’s bout in the promotion’s history. Through my experiences and understanding of what it took to heal, I always knew I wanted to give something back. Martial arts completely transformed my mind, body, and spirit, leaving me feeling almost guilty for everything I was gaining and acquiring. I wanted the other residents to experience what I was feeling and to have the tools to navigate their situations just as I was. My advocacy came by way of a passion and drive to help others in their healing journey.

Two years after transitioning out of the shelter, I reconnected with Women Against Abuse and proposed the idea of starting a self-defense and fitness boot camp for the clients at the shelter. They loved the idea and brought me in as the director of the program, where I worked with women and children, helping them to find their strength and self-love again. Eight years later, I now sit on the board of directors as the first-ever survivor and former client to be considered in their 40 years of operation. I wake up every single day thankful for this life and constantly driven by the mission of how I can help and make a difference for someone else. Becoming a professional speaker and spokesperson was a natural progression from my advocacy work. Sharing my story of overcoming adversity and resilience allows me to inspire and educate audiences. 

PPRG: As a Women Against Abuse board member, what are some of the most impactful initiatives you’ve been involved with?

JAMIE: As a board member, I’ve had the privilege of being involved in several initiatives that have significantly advanced our mission to support survivors of domestic violence and promote public safety.

One of the most meaningful initiatives was the development and implementation of the self-defense and fitness boot camp program. It not only provided practical self-defense skills but also fostered a sense of empowerment and resilience among survivors, helping them rebuild their confidence and independence.

I play a key role in advocacy efforts, working closely with state legislators to push for meaningful legislative changes that protect and support survivors. These efforts have led to increased funding for shelters and support services, as well as stronger legal protections for victims.

I’ve also been deeply involved in community outreach and education programs. Aiming to raise awareness about domestic violence, promote prevention strategies, and educate the public on how to support survivors. By partnering with schools, community organizations, and local businesses, we’ve been able to extend our reach and impact, fostering a community-wide culture of awareness and support.

I’ve contributed to strategic planning and fundraising efforts, ensuring that Women Against Abuse has the resources and direction needed to continue its vital work. These efforts have enabled the organization to expand its services, reach more survivors, and innovate new programs to meet the evolving needs of our community.

PPRG: What do you think is one of the most important things for women to know about self-defense?

JAMIE: Self-defense is all about empowering women to live their lives with greater confidence and freedom, knowing they have the skills and mindset to protect themselves if necessary. It’s so important for women to recognize their strength and power while understanding when and how to use it. Not all situations require the same level of force, so it’s crucial to differentiate how to respond appropriately and feel confident in those responses, no matter the circumstance. It’s a holistic approach that combines physical techniques with mental preparedness and emotional resilience, ensuring women feel strong and capable in ALL aspects of their lives.

All too often, I hear the same response from women who learn to use leverage and technique instead of sheer strength to execute a move: “Wow, I didn’t know I could do that!” It highlights how much women label themselves based on the limits society places on them. My response is always the same: “You’ve been lied to” and “You are not strong for a woman…you’re simply strong!” It’s important for me to change the narrative and help women to trust and believe in their abilities. 


PPRG: What has been your biggest accomplishment so far in your career?

JAMIE: It’s hard to choose just one! I would say, merging my advocacy with my MMA knowledge has been pivotal in this journey. I believe we are blessed with specific talents for the purpose of giving back and helping others. My success and accomplishments stem from living my life in service, 1000% dedicated to leaving the world a better place than I found it. 

PPRG: How has living in Philadelphia impacted your professional and personal life? What does this city mean to you?

JAMIE: Professionally, Philadelphia has provided a rich environment for my advocacy and self-defense work. The city’s strong sense of community and resilience has inspired me to create programs that empower and uplift others, knowing that there is a network of support and shared purpose.

Personally, Philadelphia holds a special place in my heart as the city where my daughter was born and raised! It’s where I rediscovered myself and found true happiness and self-love. Living in Philadelphia has been an incredible experience. It’s vibrant, diverse, and full of culture, with amazing people who have become like family to me.

Philly has also given a world of opportunity to my daughter. Academics and the space to thrive and achieve her goals has always been important to both of us. Plus, growing up as a city kid, she is extremely bright, independent, and exudes a certain city-kid type of confidence.

 We are so blessed to live in a neighborhood where you can walk in any direction and run into a hidden gem, amazing restaurants, a full movie production crew filming on a beautiful block, nature, history and architecture, families, kids playing—the list goes on. I love it here and wouldn’t trade it for the world!

I have to say that the people of Philadelphia are truly incredible; they embrace one another with a unique blend of warmth and grit. It’s a place where someone will give you the shirt off their back, even if they might be a bit rude or cuss you out in the process- they will help you!! (haha) You always see more people helping than not, and that spirit of community is something I cherish deeply.


PPRG: Let’s switch gears for a minute now that we know you love Philly! What’s your favorite restaurant here in the city?

JAMIE: Gran Caffe L’Aquila is my top pick, with Ambrosia as a close second.

Fun fact: I’m part Italian, so I tend to gravitate towards places that not only serve authentic Italian food but also create an environment that feels like home—like family.


PPRG: What advice would you give someone wanting to get involved in domestic violence advocacy or self-defense education?

JAMIE: My advice is to start by educating yourself about the issues and the needs of the community you want to serve. Understanding the complexities of domestic violence and the impact it has on survivors is crucial. 

For advocacy, consider volunteering with local organizations that support survivors of domestic violence. This hands-on experience will give you valuable insights and help you build connections within the advocacy community. Don’t be afraid to use your voice to raise awareness!  Your passion and commitment can drive meaningful change.

For self-defense education, it’s important to gain proper training and certification. Seek out reputable self-defense programs and learn from experienced instructors. Once you’re trained, focus on creating inclusive and supportive environments for your students. Tailor your programs to meet the specific needs of different groups, whether it’s women, youth, or other underserved/ vulnerable populations. 

Networking is also key in both fields. Connect with other advocates, educators, and organizations to share resources, collaborate on initiatives, and amplify your impact. Remember, your dedication and willingness to help can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by domestic violence. Stay committed, stay informed, and always lead with love, empathy, and compassion.


PPRG: How does it feel to be named a top ten finalist for Be Well Philly’s Health Hero Challenge?

JAMIE: It’s an amazing honor!! This acknowledgment from Be Well Philly is not just a personal accolade but a testament to the resilience and strength of the survivors I’ve had the privilege of working with. Their courage inspires me every day, and this recognition is as much theirs as it is mine.

There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not touched by the strength of others. The resilience of survivors’ embodies the veracity that we are not defined by our circumstances, but by how we stand strong in the broken places, move forward, break the cycle of domestic violence, and change the narrative of our own stories. There’s no greater act of courage. 

 I’m grateful for the opportunity to shine a light on the importance of self-defense, empowerment, and advocacy, and I look forward to continuing to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Being part of this supportive community in Philadelphia, where people embrace one another and always offer a helping hand, makes this journey even more meaningful.

PPRG: What are your future goals for your advocacy work and professional speaking engagements?

JAMIE: My goals are centered on staying true to my path, and expanding my reach and impact. I aim to continue growing my self-defense program, Veracity/ ResilientU, bringing the skills, programs, and specialized workshops to more cities, ensuring that people from all walks of life have access to quality self-defense education. 

In my advocacy and speaking, I plan to deepen my collaboration with state legislators and community leaders to push for more meaningful legislative changes that protect and support survivors. I’m also committed to advancing public safety measures for survivors to have access to the resources they need to rebuild their lives. It’s all about continuing to motivate, inspire, and forge new paths.

Are you feeling motivated? We sure are, talk about #WomenEmpowerment! It was so uplifting getting to chat with Jamie and learn all about her journey. Connect with Jamie on Instagram to keep up with her speaking engagements, daily life, and more!

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