First Friday Interview with Alexandra Heck

small business

Welcome to another #FirstFriday, with Philly PR Girl! This month we’re highlighting a total girl boss who faced all odds and defied the elements stacked against her in 2020. Helping open a business in itself is a lofty challenge – but how about opening a business in the midst of a global pandemic? Seems unheard of, right? 

Not for Sugar Bar Head Esthetician, Alexandra Heck. Among all the madness, Alexandra has brought what is usually seen as a painful and dreaded experience – some relief. Sugar Bar’s inclusive and lighthearted atmosphere truly makes up for the dark times we reside in – not to mention the aesthetic is nothing short of STUNNING! Sugar Bar also takes pride in the safety and cleanliness, making for a COVID-safe environment!   

PPRG: First, congratulations on opening Sugar Bar. I know opening during COVID must have had its challenges. Tell us about the opening. 

AH: Opening was challenging in the beginning because we were expecting to have a larger volume of people in the salon. We wanted to have a grand opening, and host more events in our space, but we are really strict with following all of our COVID-19 restrictions. We are limiting our ability to do some things, but we are still staying positive for the future! With the help of our PR team and a lot of friends in the city, we were able to promote this salon naturally, being that we are a small business during a pandemic!

PPRG: So let’s get into it, what exactly is “sugaring”? What are the benefits of what you and your team do as opposed to waxing?

AH: Sugaring is an ancient Egyptian technique dating back to as early as 1900 BC, this technique is extremely popular in Arabic and Persian cultures! Sugaring is an all-natural form of hair removal using only three ingredients, sugar, water, and lemon -NO WAX! This technique is preferred to most people over waxing because of the lasting benefits, it’s non-abrasive, hypoallergenic, and there’s no heat to it! So the sugar itself isn’t hot, unlike wax, meaning it doesn’t adhere to your live skin cells. Sugaring helps your hair come in thinner, softer, and more sparse over time, a great technique for people with sensitive skin. 

PPRG: Sugar Bar is very upfront and honest about the ingredients that contribute to the sugar. Why is it so important to use natural ingredients?

AH: Buying naturally and sustainably sourced products can be much kinder to the environment. We use Tamara’s Sugar – based in Seattle, she creates her sugar formula using only organic ingredients. We want to make sure that people know the ingredients that are in our products and feel comfortable using something they trust. Skincare products that contain chemicals are also damaging to the environment. 

PPRG: We hear you have plans to provide other services at Sugar Bar, can you give us some hints?

AH: We are also going to be doing facials soon!  We will have a JetPeel Pro machine as well as provide regular facials! The JetPeel facial combines oxygen and a liquid such as water, anesthetic, or skin nutrients to create a jet stream of micro-droplets that penetrate deep into the skin. The JetPeel system can reach a velocity of up to 600 ft/sec and a depth of to exfoliate the skin’s surface without causing irritation. 

PPRG: How are you keeping your clients safe during COVID? 

AH: Temperature checks are mandatory upon arrival, we space our appointments with an extra 10 minutes in between to sanitize the rooms down, we give hand sanitizer to everyone upon arrival, or we suggest washing before entering the rooms. Masks are mandatory and we limit the number of people who are allowed to be in the lobby at once.

PPRG: The question we’ve all been waiting for, does it..hurt?

AH: This question gets asked a ton! Everyone’s pain tolerance is different! 99 percent of people that are used to getting waxed say that sugaring is MUCH easier seeing that there is no heat to it causing less irritation. For those coming in for the first time, we suggest avoiding coffee beforehand – it’s a stimulant and can make you more sensitive. The whole service takes less than 30 minutes so you are in and out and only need to come in every 4 weeks!  


Looking for the best place in Philly for hair removal? Alex has taken hair removal to the absolute next level! Intrigued yet? To book with Alex at Sugar Bar, go here! You can find her on Instagram and at