It’s Time For A Website Refresh

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When was the last time your business website was refreshed? Did you know that you should get a website refresh and update your site every 2-3 years? Technology is constantly changing, updating and evolving, and that includes how websites are viewed. Don’t think your site needs an update?  Philly PR Girl has you covered with why you should.

People judge books by their cover.

It’s true. Your customers will get their first impression of you and your business from your website. So, if your website is stuck in 2000, it’s not going to give potential customers that “they-know-what-they’re-doing” feel that everyone subconsciously wants. It may just seem superficial, but having a site that feels and looks modern can influence potential customers. Given that most users view websites on their mobile device, if your website isn’t mobile compatible, it can also sway and impact customers.

Security should be a concern for your website refresh.

We’ve heard about “email hackers”, but what about “website hackers”?  Your site should be hosted on a secure and trusted platform like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace to name a few. Platforms like these undergo routine security checks and updates. Updates like these are crucial to prevent security breaches. A security breach on a website can have a big impact on customers, especially if your website collects consumer information including addresses and payment information. 

Search engines are a main source of traffic.

When someone is looking for a coffee shop, they might search for something like “coffee near me”. If you’re a local cafe, are you confident your business will appear in the search results? Refreshing your website isn’t just about the look and feel, it’s also about how you can better position your business to potential customers. SEO, or search engine optimization, is a process that helps improve your website traffic in search engines. 

Whether your website is outdated or you think you could use some more traffic, every business can benefit from a website refresh. It’s one of the first impressions customers have on your business, make sure you’re confident it’s a good one! Our team is well versed in refreshing, designing and optimizing websites for better performance. If you think a website refresh is calling your brands’ name, reach out to us at to see how we can help your business soar!