Social Media Trends for the New Year

Social Media Trends

Social Media isn’t going away, in fact it’s gaining more and more popularity within the business community. There are millions of posts on social media a day along with new algorithms controlling how many people see your posts. It can be difficult trying to make your business stand out. Luckily, we at Philly PR Girl have the Top 5 Social Media Trends to keep your business and brand informed of the latest trends! Here is what you can look forward to and expect throughout 2021!

  1. Influencers

Something that has grown significantly within the past year is Influencer Marketing. At Philly PR Girl, we have been using Influencers and believe in their ability and power to make an impact. The pandemic has put a pause on our day to day activities. However, it has also paved the way for influencers to step in and take advantage of the initial decrease in content. It has become an opportunity to grow their platform and better connect with their audience. Because it makes such an impact, businesses should be prepared to fit Influencer Marketing into their marketing and advertising budget.

Influencers have something brands work years to achieve: an already established trust and relationship with their audience. Influencers bring people into their everyday life, which makes consumers feel that the content they post is authentic and real. Therefore, people trust influencers as sources for information regarding brands, clothes, food, even where to travel.

Influencers can help brands effectively reach their target audience, and expand their reach and visibility. Most influencers have followers from all around the country, some even around the world. This could take your business from local to nationwide, and possibly worldwide. Using influencers brings more overall awareness to your brand because they generate an interest and discussion among their audience.

  1. Video Content Will Dominate

With the rise in popularity over TikTok and the recent launch of Instagram Reels, video content is a trend your business will have to take part in to reach audiences on those platforms.

Video content has become so popular because it’s an easy way for consumers to engage with trends, products, and each other. It allows for an audience to easily see and understand how a product or service works without it feeling like an ad. Video content reaches a larger and more of a worldwide audience. If you can understand how to get the attention of your target audience on TikTok or Instagram Reels, your account can end up going viral within a day.

  1. User-Generated Content via Contests and Giveaways

Being in a generation where picture taking, content creation, and following trends is so popular, using and encouraging user-generated content is something everyone should be looking into.

User-generated content encourages your audience to interact with your brand by creating their own content. This could be a user tagging the brand in posts for a chance to be reposted on their account. Utilizing and promoting contests and giveaways encourages users to engage with your brand. It makes your brand appear more authentic. User-generated content creates buzz around your brand because you’re reaching different audiences, and could even turn into a “TikTok Trend”. For example, Nathan Apodaca lip singing The Fleetwood Mac song and drinking Cranberry juice was a viral trend not too long ago on TikTok.

  1. Lifestyle Content

Lifestyle content has become even bigger in the past year due to the pandemic. We’ve seen a glimpse of everyones at home lives, which has normalized posting more “unfiltered” and authentic “lifestyle” posts!

Incorporating the everyday life into content for your brand is an important aspect in content creation. Consumers swipe, skip, and close out any ad that interferes with their consumption of media. Lifestyle content interests consumers and often gets them to engage with the brand by trying out the trend, purchasing a product, or listening to a certain song.

  1. Easy to Consume Content

Although we’re not all on the go anymore, people still have a short attention span. The trend of Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook stories is not going away! Stories make it easy to post content that will reach a lot of people because it is short and sweet. They will see it and possibly engage with it! Stories are perfect for easy to consume content creation. The app Clubhouse is a listening app where users listen and engage with speakers. Clubhouse has created a whole platform dedicated to easy to consume content that you can listen to while working or at home with family.


It can be difficult for a brand to stand out in a sea of business accounts on social media; it is constantly changing and growing. Philly PR Girl wants to make sure your business isn’t left behind, which is why we are dedicated to ensuring your brand meets these trends with ease. Our team is ready to help your business soar on social media through 2021 and the years to come. Let 2021 be the year your business is taken to the next level! Send us a message at to see how we can help you.