The Ultimate Guide to Working From Home

As you all know by now, the COVID-19 virus has been spreading quickly and companies are preventing the virus from spreading to the office by allowing their employees to work from home. Philly PR Girl is one of those companies that will be working remotely. We’ve compiled a list of things you can do to stay productive while you work from home. Whether you’re already working from home or if you’re planning on working from home, this essentials list is a must-read!

Work your usual hours

Maintaining your work-life balance can be tough, especially when both are occurring in the same environment. Being able to complete tasks in your pajamas makes working a little more comfortable, but it is important to maintain the same level of dedication to your job. By working your regular hours during the day, you know how much work you should be completing. This doesn’t have to be a strict everyday routine, but it can help you initially get in the right groove at home!

Create a consistent routine for your morning

Rise and Shine! Starting off your days with a consistent routine will help you jumpstart a productive day. Your sequence can set the tone and attitude for your day, so make it count! There are no strict rules to this, it can range from a usual cup of coffee to a quick jog. Whatever gets you ready to conquer the day!

Hydration Station

Keep your coffee close and your water closer! Sometimes we are so passionate about our work that hours go by in the blink of an eye. When working from home it is easy to get completely immersed in a task and forget about your basic daily needs. No matter where you are working from it is crucial that you stay hydrated, and not live off a couple of cups of coffee! Always have a bottle or cup of water next to your workspace as a reminder to take a few sips whenever you have a second to pause. 


Keeping up with your physical health is key to keeping your mind sharp throughout the workday. Doing yoga or stretching not only prevents stiffness, but it will increase your blood flow and reduce fatigue. Taking 20 minutes out of your day to move, will boost your endorphins to keep your interests high and your focus intact. Stay active for a healthier and happy you!

Create a functional working space

Doing work from your leisure space, especially your bed, can blur the lines of your work-life balance. Building an area that you specifically do your work will prevent you from slacking on tasks, as well as leaving any stress behind when you go to relax on the couch. Some bonuses to the workspace could be having natural light or a desk to keep you upright and awake!

Opt for background music or a podcast instead of TV

Listening to your favorite artist or a podcast is a great way to get the creative ideas flowing! Having background noise can help keep your environment entertaining but not distracting. Throwing on a playlist requires a minute of your time, versus having the television on which requires constant attention. From home you get to set the mood and tone of your workspace, so whether you want to get pumped up or relax you get to pick a podcast or genre of music to do so!

Have a to-do list

Being surrounded by your bosses and coworkers in the office helps you stay motivated, but at home, it can be hard to stay on track. By creating a to-do list you can see all you need to achieve, and plan out your time accordingly to make sure it gets done. This technique also allows for you to bounce around and work on different projects without forgetting to go back and finish up a task you were stuck on. Nothing feels better than that sense of accomplishment you get from checking off the last box and finishing the workday!

Keep an open line of communication

Leaving the office doesn’t mean you have to ditch your co-workers! Working from home can cause you to feel lonely or isolated, especially if you don’t continue to communicate with your team. Stay involved through video conferences or facetime, to make sure you are all on the same page and maybe even crack a joke or two!

Plan out your meals

Keeping your body fueled is crucial to having an effective and efficient workday. Stocking up on your favorite groceries and planning out your meals will keep you energized. This can be part of your routine and prevent you from falling into the takeout or delivery service cycle. Find your favorite quick, easy, and delicious recipes to add to your productive day!

Take clear breaks

Working from home doesn’t mean less work, so it is important to still give your mind a break. Even if it is just for 5-10 minutes, a break should be completely free of your work. These breaks are a perfect time to try out stretching, breathing techniques, a walk, or anything that relaxes you. A healthy state of mind will translate to producing your best work!

We hope that you are staying safe and healthy as we get through this difficult and confusing time. We wish nothing but health and safety to the people of our wonderful city and beyond. With love, Philly PR Girl.