First Friday Interview: Sheila Hess, Philadelphia City Representative

From being known as “Philadelphia’s Biggest Cheerleader” to “one of the most prolific networkers in the city,” we’re proud to feature Philadelphia City Representative, Sheila Hess, for this month’s First Friday Interview Series. While you may know of Sheila by her extremely contagious smile or passionate energy that fills any room she walks into–she reveals her background before life as a City Rep, her passion for giving back, advice on how to build your professional network, and more!


Philly PR Girl (PPRG): Share with us your background prior to being appointed City Rep by Philadelphia by Mayor Jim Kenney. Did you ever picture yourself in this position?

Sheila Hess (SH): Prior to becoming the Philadelphia City Representative, I enjoyed a fulfilling career in many capacities at Independence Blue Cross (IBC) where I began my career in HR and then became Director of the IBC Foundation and Community Affairs. Councilman Jim Kenney sat on the board for IBC, where I had the pleasure of meeting him at an event. I became heavily involved in his campaign, volunteering for him at all of his fundraising events up until he ran for Mayor. When Mayor Kenney won the election, he called me and said he wanted me to become his City Representative. Of course I was overwhelmed, humbled, excited, and overall filled with emotions. I said yes, and the rest is history.  

PPRG: For those who don’t know, what is the role of a city rep and how did you land this incredible role?

SH: When Mayor Kenney first offered me the position, I had no idea what the role would entail, as I thought it was another volunteer role. Little did I know, it was a full-time position, representing him, promoting the City of Philadelphia and leading the city’s special and ceremonial events! To be more specific, I serve as the premier marketing and promotional department of the City of Philadelphia where I promote Philadelphia’s diversity through citywide event creation, community engagement and innovative experiences. I also get to serve on tourism and hospitality boards, such as Visit Philadelphia, Phila Convention Visitors Bureau, Greater Phila Film Office, and Historic Philadelphia, just to name a few. This is truly a dream job for me. So I now can say, dreams do come true.

PPRG: We’ve heard how heavily involved you are within the Philadelphia community, specifically in the nonprofit sector. Have you always had a passion for giving back? What is your advice for those who want to give back, but are not sure where to start?

SH: Yes, I’ve always had a passion for giving back to our community, working with youth and those in need. I’ve been so blessed in life, and am spoiled–not in a materialistic way, but spoiled with love. I have the most loving husband, family, and friends, and that makes a difference in my life, as they all inspire me. I was given a gift, and that is to be a public servant and to help in any way to give back to make our world a better place. A simple kind word or gesture are acts of charity, which we all can practice every day. I have always known I wanted to lead a life that was people-oriented and community-based – a life that made a meaningful difference to others. I’m grateful my charitable work turned out to be a stepping stone for finding a career.

PPRG: As your job is not a typical 9-5, what is your favorite part about your career. How do you handle work/life balance?

SH: My various roles throughout my career path have taught me to be an effective leader and to surround myself with positive role models/mentors. I make time for the things I truly love, and those are my family, work and our communities. I love networking and enjoy making connections and maintaining that relationship building. I was fortunate to have been able to get involved at my former company, through associate work groups, and externally in the community. I meet the most wonderful people, who are doing extraordinary things for our community. I am a workaholic, yet I know how to work hard and play hard. I have the most supportive husband, who encourages me, and he knows how much I love my job. It energizes me every day. I am truly humbled to be able to promote the city that I love so much.

PPRG: Being born with spina bifida, how have you overcome challenges associated with your disability? What empowering words do you have for others who want to make a difference but are currently struggling with a disability?

SH: I try to live my life by my favorite quote by Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” The word ‘ability’ shines brightly in the word disability… just waiting for all of us to discover it. I am one of those believers that subscribes to what you put out into this big universe truly comes back to you. I also support non-profits who work with children with disabilities and their families, such as Variety-The Children’s Charity. I’ve been asked to be a mentor to some of the youth as well as to their parents, to show them that my disability does not stop me. I use crutches and wear leg braces all my life, that’s just part of my daily attire. But you have to have confidence and believe in yourself as a leader, it’s not about what we look like to get the job done.

PPRG: Well-known and often seen at any and all Philadelphia events, how did you become so involved in the Philadelphia community. What advice do you have for people who want to build their professional network?

SH: My advice to others as they build their careers is to always be willing to embrace the flexibility and openness to learning. The business world is your classroom. The Chamber of Commerce used to say, “Get Involved. Get Results,” which I couldn’t agree more with. I initially became more involved in the Philadelphia community by becoming a member of the Young Professional groups and signing up to attend events. Introduce yourself to the speakers, ask for their business cards, follow up afterwards, and stay in touch. From this strategy, I was fortunate to meet so many of the movers and shakers and key business leaders in our region.

PPRG: Obviously Philly PR Girl loves everything Philadelphia. What do you love most about our city?

SH: I love the passion and diversity of our people, and the intimacy of the neighborhoods. I get super-charged from the energy of  the city that I proudly call my home. We are the first World Heritage City in the United States! Even when I was not the City Representative, I was one of the biggest ambassadors for Philadelphia. For example, I get to spend time talking about Philadelphia with the talented team at Philly PR Girl.

PPRG: As a lifelong resident of South Philadelphia, what do you enjoy doing most when you have spare time? Where can we find you in Philadelphia when you’re not in the office, or networking, or volunteering?

SH: My free time always involves my family and just being around people. I also am a very spiritual person, and am still a lector at my Catholic Church on Sundays. The more you give, the more you will receive. I truly believe that. Even in my spare time,  I try to have a hand in many corners of the community addressing today’s pressing challenges, from homelessness to those who are struggling. My approach to people is that they usually respond to kindness and the sweetness of a smile. It’s a win-win. It makes you feel so good knowing you are able to give back, and yet, you know you are helping someone else who needs your service. My husband and I also love to go out to eat, so you never know where you might find us next, as we enjoy trying new restaurants.

PPRG: What are you most looking forward to this holiday season? Any upcoming big events you’re excited to share with us?

SH: I love all of the activity and the hustle and bustle of the city, and to learn about all the holiday events. It is such a magical time of the year, and there is certainly a holiday feel in the air. My team is proud to produce the City of Philadelphia Official Philly Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration on November 28, as we usher in the holiday season starting at 5:30 p.m, transforming City Hall into a winter wonderland, filled with family-friendly festivities, exciting entertainment, giveaways and the spectacular finale of the lighting of a majestic 65-foot-tree! I can’t wait to shop at Christmas Village, go to the BlueCross RiverRink and sit in the cabins, check out the Electrical Spectacle at Franklin Square, see the Winter Maze Garden at Dilworth Park, the holiday show at Comcast Center and Macy’s, and attend the performance of The PhillyPOPS Christmas, and take so many pictures for #PhillyHolidayFest at our neighborhood festivities! Learn more about exciting upcoming Philly events this holiday season by visiting Philly Holiday Festival.

As one of Sheila’s favorite pastimes is social media, stay up to date on everything going on in the City by following her on Facebook or Instagram @SheilaShowPHL and @PhillyCityRep.