Top 5 Quotes from Philly Mag’s ThinkFest 2017

On Thursday, November 9 we attended Philadelphia magazine’s Thinkfest. This annual event features some of the city’s best and brightest discussing topics ranging from politics, activism, trends, art, and more. There were many overarching themes throughout the day, including collaboration, the “cool” factor, Philadelphia’s Amazon bid, and of course, the Eagles. (Go birds!)

Here are a few of our favorite ideas, opinions, and stories from the day:
  1. “The edge of cool is really about authenticity, honesty— injecting yourself into it— and committing 100% to making it happen.” Todd Carmichael, Co-Founder of La Colombe, on “The State of Culture and Cool in 2017”
  2. “We discovered the unifying thing about all of our [Philadelphia] audiences is they want to be challenged and be around people who share their interest in personal growth and change.” Thom Collins, Executive Director & President of The Barnes Foundation, on “Philly’s Creative Capital”
  3. John Fry, President of Drexel University, and Stephen Klasko, President of Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health, discussed the power of collaboration and how working together has benefited both of their institutions. “Sometimes there can only be so much organic growth,” said Fry.
  4. Mayor Kenney shared how he once he interviewed freshman Senator Joe Biden for a class project while at St. Joseph’s Preparatory School. Biden’s staff arranged for Kenney join the Senator when his train stopped in Philadelphia.
  5. “When I had a bad day and didn’t sell anything, I would go home and tell myself, ‘Today, someone bought what you do, they just didn’t buy it from you.’” Wil Reynolds, Founder of Seer Interactive on “The View from Tech”And a bonus:
  6. Philadelphia believes in itself.” Todd Charmichael (La Colombe) “The State of Culture and Cool in 2017”


Thank you to Philadelphia magazine for organizing this incredibly inspiring and empowering event. We’re looking forward to being apart of building a better and brighter future in Philly!

What were your favorite moments from Thinkfest 2017? Share with us in the comments or on social media!