You’ve seen the pictures. You’ve heard the stories. With its inception last year, Philadelphia’s leg of the international all-white Diner en Blanc quickly became the most popular event of the season. Thousands of people turn up in Center City dressed all in white, waiting for a text as to the elusive location of a glowing, community-based outdoor picnic dinner. On August 22nd, the event was held on the JFK bridge, with breathtaking views of the river, 30th Street Station, and the city’s skyline. Curious as to how a spectacular event such as this comes to fruition? We spoke with Natanya DiBona, Co-Host of Diner en Blanc Philadelphia, to learn a little about what goes on behind the curtain.
Philly PR Girl: As you know, Philly PR Girl LLC are huge fans and supporters of Diner en Blanc. We were wondering, why 30th Street Station? (Great pick by the way!)
Natanya Dibona: Thank you, I am so glad you liked it! My co-chair, Kayli, and I started looking at locations right after the event last year. One Sunday in September I drove around and took pictures at all of the spots that had been suggested to us. Kayli did the same and then we met and compared notes. There was tremendous pressure on us after the first event since everyone labeled Logan Circle “the perfect spot” and we thought it was, too! Not only was it designed by a French architect (Jacques Gréber), it was based on the Place de la Concorde in Paris which had hosted Dîner en Blanc. Logan Circle also offered 360 degree views of “iconic Philadelphia”- the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Franklin Institute, the Free Library of Philadelphia and City Hall. And, of course, there was that beautiful and magical fountain designed by Alexander Stirling Calder.
When we started to consider the possibilities for the second year, the JFK Bridge quickly rose to the top of the list. I’ve walked across the bridge at all hours of the day and evening and I am always blown away by the beauty of the river, 30th Street Station and the Cira Centre. When we began to conceptualize the event we really liked the idea of using a public space in an unexpected way. We liked the visual of bathing an industrial looking space in white and showcasing the lights of the buildings, the bridges and the lampposts. We also thought the bridge was the perfect metaphor for Dîner en Blanc- which connects people in the local community through an event that is held in 40 other cities throughout the world. Lastly, we liked the idea of how Parisian it feels over the river, particularly with the backdrop of the lampposts on the Market Street Bridge. One participant exclaimed to me “it feels like Paris to my left and to my right” and that’s exactly what we hoped for!
PPRG: How does Philadelphia’s event compare to the other 40 DEBs popping up internationally? Have you been to other DEB’s?
ND: The beauty of Dîner en Blanc International, which is based in Montreal, is that they provide each participating city with the tools necessary to create the event so that it has the same look and feel around the world. However, each city has the ability to add their own unique touches. For instance, when we selected 30th Street Station- which was built in the late 20’s-early 30s- we then selected Carte Blanche, a jazz revivalist band that plays 20-30’s music and then added the white 1927 Rolls Royce to complete our vision.
I’ve now been to Montreal’s Dîner en Blanc twice and I was fortunate enough to attend the 25th Anniversary Paris event at the Eiffel Tower in June. (I look at pictures and still have to pinch myself to believe I was there!) Each was very special in different ways and each inspired and influenced what we did with our event here in Philadelphia (for example, honoring the Paris tradition of concluding the event with the playing of the French horn).
PPRG: You yourself are one of two Hosts in Philadelphia, and your teammates include a few Group Leaders and a whole lot of Pedestrian Leaders. Can you explain the roles that these different positions play in planning and executing DEB?
ND: Yes, Dîner en Blanc Philadelphia would not be possible without the passion, enthusiasm and dedication of our volunteers. Kayli and I are the Co-Hosts and we select the secret location and determine the “vision” of how we want the event to feel in that space. She and I then pitch the idea to the City and get the proper approvals. We then work with a team of six volunteers who help us promote the event and plan the logistics (all while being kept in the dark about the location!). The most important volunteers of all are the Table Hosts because they are responsible for leading our guests from the departure points to the secret location. They communicate with 50 people prior to the event and answer all of their burning questions about table size, what to wear, etc, This year we had 48 Table Hosts and were assisted by 9 on-site volunteers.
PPRG: How many white dresses do you own? Was it hard to pick your outfit this year?
ND: As most of my friends will tell you, black is the staple color in my wardrobe, so this event has radically pushed the boundaries of my fashion comfort zone. I own 5 white dresses, but the scarier thing is finding space to properly store my burgeoning collection of white fascinators and gloves!
PPRG: This year’s guests were not only surprised with the location, but also by three marriage proposals! Was the DEB team alerted at all to the popping of the questions beforehand?
ND: Yes, I was happy to see that the romance of last year’s event continued! We were aware of one proposal ahead of time, but the other two were complete surprises. When we finally pulled together the pictures of the proposals, it was great to see how romantic and different each of them was.
We also heard numerous stories of couples attending this year who had their first dates at last year’s event- one couple had even married! We also know of four infants born this spring that we like to call “Dîner en Blanc” babies.
PPRG: Guests bear the responsibility of providing their own tables, chairs, white tablecloths and food. What food and drink would we find in your perfect DEB basket?
ND: Yes, guests must bring everything and I really believe that engages them in the event in a unique way. Not only do guests enjoy the opportunity to showcase their individuality and creativity in their table designs, but they proudly share the food they bring with their tablemates.
With that said, my perfect DEB basket includes manchego cheese and truffle lavender honey from Garces (that stuff is like liquid gold!), my favorite pesto tortellini pasta salad, limoncello fruit salad with a lemon curd yogurt topping (thank you Ina Garten) and my favorite drink- St Germaine and Champagne with a twist of lemon.
PPRG: In what ways will Philadelphia’s DEB be expanding and changing in attendance and creative endeavors over the next few years?
ND: The design of Dîner en Blanc is that it grows each year as friends invite friends. For instance, each table of two who attended this year has the opportunity to sponsor a table of two next year. We also continue to do more outreach in the community and meet with more and more groups to build awareness of the event. Social media is also incredibly powerful…it just takes one blog post, or a few pictures shared on Facebook or twitter, to get people to want to join next year.
We are very conscious of picking future spaces that allow for growth each year and we’re also careful to not utilize a space now that we may need when our event grows larger..perhaps to 5,000 people (like Montreal’s this year)!
PPRG: In its two years in Philadelphia, Diner en Blanc has been credited as the most anticipated and enjoyable event of the season. What do you think makes the tradition so magical?
ND: Thank you, that is so nice to hear! I first heard of Dîner en Blanc when I visited my Aunt and Uncle in Montreal in 2011. A quick google search brought up pictures of the event at the Louvre in Paris and I was instantly hooked. I had to be part of that experience. When I had the opportunity to plan the event in Philadelphia I felt very confident that there were others who would feel the exact same way. As a passionate foodie I knew this was an opportunity to share a great meal with friends, but what was unexpectedly “magical” was the community it built among strangers. Also, while it temporarily transforms a space, it builds a lasting positive memory of Philadelphia for all who attend it. So many people tell us how this event makes them “fall in love with their city.” One of my favorite quotes from last year was from a guest who told us that his heart smiles every time he walks past Logan Circle…that definitely makes my heart smile!
To see past Philly PR Girl First Friday interviews visit: http://phillyprgirl.com/category/celebrity-interviews/
I LOVE the comment about the Diner En Blanc babies!! Great interview! xx
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