Sustainability noun
sus·tain·a·bil·i·ty (səˌstānəˈbilədē/)
Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
In today’s climate, there are dozens of alarmist resources telling us that Mother Earth’s “Doomsday” is coming sooner than you think. But those aren’t necessarily productive for someone who is struggling to do their part in their local community. Bringing light to sustainability within the Philadelphia community is SustainPHL.
Hosted by Green Philly, SustainPHL takes place at WHYY Philadelphia on Thursday, August 3, 2017 for its second year. This event celebrates local individuals who are taking actions, large and small, throughout our community.
SustainPHL encompasses a wide range of sustainability awareness. The program includes a educational “munch ‘n learns” to engaging demonstrations. The informative sessions are followed by an inspirational awards ceremony. This year’s awards categories consists of: Activist of the Year, Sustainability Mentor, Social Impact Award, Business Innovation, and more.
Last year’s inaugural SustainPHL ceremony began with an exciting surprise: the Sustainable Pioneer award was presented to Judy Wicks. Judy is an entrepreneur and author who has shaped the sustainability movement in our city. Other winners included Local Advocate, Saleem Chapman, of Sustainable Business Network (SBN); Climate Hero: City of Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters program; and Neighborhood Champion, Sam Holloschutz, Head of FCA’s (Fairmount Civic Association) Neighborhood Improvement Committee. Learn more about their stories here.

To learn more and get involved, hurry and buy your tickets for SustainPHL 2017 – less than 100 remain! Find out more about SustainPHL by visiting their website. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for the latest updates. Use the hashtag #SustainPHL to join the conversation.
See our post for 6 easy tips to a more sustainable lifestyle.
What are some ways you are trying to be sustainable? Share with us in the comments!