Welcome to the start of Philly PR Girl’s newest series of “First Friday” interviews where we hand-pick Philadelphia professionals who we think you should get to know, and then pick their brains to learn about their work within the City of Brotherly Love! Yes, we know it’s technically the the 2nd Friday of the month, but we like to be fashionably late.
Our first interviewee, Zabeth Teelucksingh, is basically the city’s own global spokeswoman. As Executive Director of the Global Philadelphia Association, she makes it her job to let the world know just how great the city of Philadelphia is: what we have to offer, what industries we’re leading, and the reasons everyone should be buying plane tickets to come and visit PHL.
Philly PR Girl: Tell us a little bit about Global Philadelphia Association. Why was it created and what is it doing for the civilian Philadelphian?
Zabeth Teelucksingh: The Global Philadelphia Association was created by 9 original members to give Philadelphia a stronger profile as an international city. Living here, one realizes that there are tremendous global resources available in terms of knowledge, inhabitants and culture. Our Association’s mission is to make this more obvious to Philadelphians and to visitors. We do this by highlighting the work of our 110+ member body and by offering free postings on our website globalphialdelphia.org of any international event in the region.
PPRG: What is GlobalPhilly 2013?
ZT: GlobalPhilly™ 2103 (GP13) is a 47-day exposition designed to showcase the international work of our members, and in so doing, to put Philadelphia on the map as a global city. Just like the Olympics, we will have a Launching Ceremony, a Closing Reception, and at least 60 events in between – each and every one of them global in nature. Events include a weekend of activities at the Philadelphia Zoo, two Naturalization Ceremonies, and a symposium from the Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia on child welfare and abuse. Events are categorized into Advocacy, Arts, Cuisine, Heritage, Education, Commerce and Sports. In addition, Chef Kevin Sbraga and 7 global area restaurants will be serving a specially-crafted appetizer with wine pairings during the 47 days of GP13.
PPRG: When starting GP13, how did you come to select your 7 main categories?
ZT: The categories are designed to showcase the work of our members and to align the diversity of events during the 47 days to give them a framework and a point of reference.
PPRG: I know you’re fluent in quite a few languages. Have you lived anyplace else besides Philadelphia? What is so special about Philly?
ZT: I speak a total of 6 languages, and my life has led me to reside in and hence understand many cultures for which I am most grateful. I am both French and English by birth but was born in Carthage Tunisia, an Arab country in northern Africa. I have also lived in the Middle East, and my husband is of Indian extraction and a native to Trinidad. I have studied in London and worked in Paris. How fortunate to end up in a global city like Philadelphia, where cultures mingle, religions are tolerated, and there is a plethora of international cuisine. In addition, this is one place where you can never get bored! There is so much to do and to discover. As an international person, I view Philadelphia as one of this country’s best kept secrets.
PPRG: What does the re-branding of Philadelphia to PHL by the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau mean for the city and its visitors?
ZT: The PHLCVB is doing a fantastic job of re-branding Philadelphia under the nickname “PHL.” The modern, social-media friendly appellation gives Philly a contemporary overtone. The intention is to draw a greater crowd of international visitors, who in the past may have overlooked this gem on the East Coast of the U.S. Come visit our food- rich, culturally surprising, innovative, European–like city: the only major US city where you will find flags of the world on the main thoroughfare. And that is just the start of it!
PPRG: What are some coming events in GP13 that you are most excited for?
ZT: Being a new immigrant myself, I am very moved by the Naturalization Ceremonies, one of which is sponsored by the Philadelphia Bar Association. Of course it will be fun to be involved in all the activities that will take place September 15th to November 1st, and to know that we are making a difference in the region as to how our city is perceived by the world.