Happy New Year!

Better late than never for my New Years post!  I’m curious if and what your Resolution was this year.  Are you going to follow it?  I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions a couple years ago, as I noticed I didn’t really follow them anyway.  Here are some of my suggestions though:

  • TRAVEL – Go see the world!  What are you waiting for?  Life is too short, if you want to go somewhere just go.  And if you “have no one to go with” who cares, there are plenty of Tours out there for single travelers.
  • GET HEALTHY – First of all, don’t start the year off by saying, “I’m going to lose 20 lbs!”  Come on, just focus on being healthy.  Taking more walks, eating better, don’t make yourself crazy by a goal that you might not hit.  Baby steps people!
  • SAVE MONEY – Ok I’m the worst and definitely not qualified to give advise, but hey let’s all try to save together!

Oh yeah, 2012 is the YEAR OF THE DRAGON!  If you havent taken part in Chinatown’s New Years Celebration make sure you do so this year.  Go see the Lion Dance and have a great meal in Philly’s Chinatown!