Must-Read Books by Female Authors: Firecrackers

Light up your July by reading these books by firecracker authors. Each has encouraged their fellow sisters to dig deeper into ourselves. Be inspired to use your intuition to improve relationships and strength to make positive change in your community.

In one of Deborah Tannen’s most famous books, You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, she suggests men and women speak different languages. She offers tips on how to conquer the linguistic divide. Tannen is back at it in her latest, You’re The Only One I Can Tell: Inside the language of women’s friendships. Through research into “the unique way women talk to one another,” she holds a microscope up to common miscommunications between women and reveals the power of friendship.

Take your pick with Sister Outsider, a collection of 15 essays by Audre Lorde, a writer, feminist and civil rights activist. Lorde’s own work largely focused on civil rights, feminism, and the exploration of black female identity. All of the essays in this book were written by her between 1976 and 1984, so it’s particularly interesting to view them through today’s political lens.

In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés dives into historical and intercultural fairy and folk tales focused on the female psyche. She encourages women to tap into their naturally “fierce, healthy, visionary attributes.” If being a New York Times best-seller (and receiving high praise from Alice Walker) isn’t enough, take it from Emma Watson, who recently chose to feature this book in her book club.


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